Visualspirit is a unique approach to, and use of, design for office interiors. Put simply it’s ‘non-verbal communications through office design’. The product of 18 months research and development, Visualspirit brings office design into a more purposeful role.
The technique brings a powerful remedy for the problems facing global and national employers…
- Remote and mobile workers
- Career break staff returning to work
- Diverse demographics of the 4 generations at work
- Cultural variations within an international workforce
- Aligning the behaviours of staff with corporate objectives
- Engaging employees
Visualspirit is unique for each organisation, but uses a common core of principles and techniques. Costs for a Visualspirit design/implementation can be negligible, covered within the normal costs of fitting-out an office interior, or requiring a budget in its own right. Cost is easily tailored to any budget.
The places for this unique use of office design are primarily the ‘nodes’ within an office – those common areas where interaction and crossing of the ways takes place.
To see examples of Visualspirit, to obtain an explanation of the core principles, and to understand what it could do for your business and what input is needed from the Client perspective, please contact Fusion 07970 411886.